by HealthiTan | Apr 16, 2015 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
This is about someone very close to my heart whose Purple Heart went missing decades ago—My 80 year old Father, Lt. Colonel Taft M Joseph Jr. (Retired). Who found it, where they found it & most important they wanted to give it back. Award Winning ABC World...
by HealthiTan | Mar 4, 2015 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
Too Young for Cancer? A young woman tells us her amazing story of courage. And how she beat the odds. My name is Meaghan Reidy. I was born & raised in Kansas City. I am currently living on the Plaza which has worked out great seeing as work is only a mile away. I...
by HealthiTan | Feb 3, 2015 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
She is a beautiful vibrant woman, full time wife & working Mom. She & her husband have 2 beautiful children who stay super busy with grade school, activities & Sports. She is a Project Manager for Perceptive Software going on 3 years. Many of you can...
by HealthiTan | Dec 6, 2014 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
If You have a Story to Share as a Public Service it could SAVE someone’s Life❤️ Brittany’s Story I was 22 years old finishing up my junior year of college, when I discovered a dark mole on the inner part of my right calf. Being only 22 years old, I...
by HealthiTan | Nov 11, 2014 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
We are launching a new segment of our Info/promotional emails & calling it “HealthiTan Heroes”. We will highlight Amazing & Useful Stories as told by our clients. Read on & you will find out why we call them Heroes…. Jen Geis is a...
by HealthiTan | Nov 20, 2012 | Blog, Client Spotlight, Featured
Erica Messner has been a valued HealthiTan client since May 2012 via our Groupon special. She is on a 3 month tan package with us! She is a kind, sweet person who cares about others. Being an RN assisting people who have cancer, fits her passion for helping people. I...