We are launching a new segment of our Info/promotional emails & calling it “HealthiTan Heroes”. We will highlight Amazing & Useful Stories as told by our clients.
Read on & you will find out why we call them Heroes….
Jen Geis is a vibrant and active person these days. An awesome mother of 2 beautiful children, friend, & client. She lives in Olathe, Kansas and has been coming to Healthitan for about three years. She keeps a spray tan with us all year long as she is one of our cherished monthly package VIP Clients.
When she shared her story it made me aware that there are so many more women in our communities just like Jen. On an average week HealthiTan has anywhere from 3-5 women, most in their late 20’s telling me their stories. This is why we are calling them “HealthiTan Heroes”
Here is Jen’s Story:
“During an annual breast exam, my doctor noticed a large dark mole under my left breast. I had noticed it, but didn’t think much of it. She warned me that it could be something to be concerned about and asked me to follow up with my dermatologist. A biopsy of the mole determined that the spot was Melanoma! Fortunately the area was “in situ”, meaning it hadn’t progressed to an actual cancer stage. I followed up with an appointment to a plastic surgeon where he removed the tissue. Had I not taken the advice of my doctor as quickly as I did, it would have progressed into something more serious and could have potentially become a fight for my life.
In my college days I was a frequenter of tanning beds and did my best to lay out in the sun as much as possible during the summer. As a result of this cancer scare I have a new philosophy on sun protection and skin care. I make sure that all products that I use have SPF and I don’t leave the house without applying them. I also make sure my children always have on sunscreen during all seasons.
I have been thankful for the amazing spray tans & products from HealthiTan. They keep me with the bronze summer glow of my choice all year long which makes me feel fabulous!”
~Jen Geis
HealthiTan Hero 11/2014