She is a beautiful vibrant woman, full time wife & working Mom. She & her husband have 2 beautiful children who stay super busy with grade school, activities & Sports. She is a Project Manager for Perceptive Software going on 3 years. Many of you can relate to her extremely tight schedule & she is the type of woman who is a go getter & thrives on daily activities. Kimberly has coached her daughter’s softball team for 3 years running, KC Fury. Another passion is competing in one triathlon a year (she wishes she had time for more) currently training for a fourth. I’ve named her a HealthiTan Hero because of her SPT or Smart Preventative Thinking.
Here’s what Kim shared recently.
“Several members of my family have been diagnosed with various cancers including Breast, skin, prostate, brain, and ovarian. I am thankful & fortunate to have dodged cancer & have a clean bill of health.
Due to this I have a heightened awareness. When I was younger, I used to soak up the sun like there was no tomorrow and did my share of using the Tanning Beds quite often. Back then I didn’t have the knowledge I have today regarding the dangers of overexposure to the sun or artificial UV or UVB Rays. I wish I could go back for a re-do! When I reached my early 40s, I noticed changes in my skin such as a loss of elasticity and collagen which can be a normal part of aging but I wasn’t happy about it. It really got me thinking about the damage I had done thus far and steps I could take to better protect myself & my family going forward.
I have made a pact with myself to fight the aging process versus sitting on the sidelines and accepting it. I want to look as young and vibrant on the outside as I do on the inside. At a young feeling 48, I continue to live a healthy life style including eating right, working out on a regular basis, and using Sunscreen Protection Year Round for myself & my family. With all that being said I still love how I look and feel with a tan. Realizing there are several options out there, I choose to Spray Tan as my alternative year round. Looking forward to my visits at HealthiTan is a weekly treat! It’s so convenient to purchase the multipak spray tans in these newsletters or in their studio. Joni makes me feel very comfortable, conversation is always entertaining & she does a great job. I plan to see her for years to come. Thank you HealthiTan!
How many people do you know or have family members who have suffered skin or other types of cancers? If you have a story to share reply to this email.
Please help us help others by clicking share & sending this HealthiTan E-Club Newsletter & sharing on social media. You could help Save a Life! See your Doctor annually & Dermatologist every 12 months, 6 months at least if you have had anything suspicious.
Sincerely & Cheers to Life!
Joni & Rachel