I frequently get the question: “what do I need to do?” Our website is a great source to answer that question! IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS your spray tan may NOT turn out the way you would expect.
You MUST Rinse in 6-8 hours. If you keep the solution on your skin for longer than that you may experience a tan that is not as natural as it should be. Other reasons for variations in the results can be: certain medications or hormonal fluctuations. People with certain skin maladies where the solution is not properly absorbed. but for the large majority of people HealthiTan is like a miraculous, natural but safe TAN!
The life of your tan depends on your preparation, after care, exfoliation process (which everyone’s is a little different), as well as life style. If you follow these instructions, they will guide you to getting the most out of your spray tan.
As seen on our How It Works page:
Spray Tan Preparation and Maintenance
Before Your Spray Tan
1) Exfoliate with an exfoliating mitt or glove or cloth along with Bora Bora Body Polish which can be purchased ahead of time from HealthiTan. This is a very important step! Use a circular motion on the skin with your exfoliator mitt and Bora Bora.
2) If you have any of the old tan left on the skin, you MUST exfoliate it off with the above instruction. HealthiTan only wants to give you the most opportunity to continue experiencing the best results.
3) For detailed instructions on the Before, see www.healthitan.com/how it works.
After Care
1) Leave tan on ONLY 6-8 hours then rinse with warm water. It takes the color that long to fully develop on the skin. Waiting longer can result in less than natural result if you have fair skin with red patches and does not tan easily in the sun. When making your appointment you must consider these instructions, if you make your appointment later in the day or early evening and must sleep before the 8 hour mark, then you may consider setting an alarm to wake up to rinse.
2) Pat dry body, then moisturize with Moorea Moisturizer liberally, do this twice daily. Moisture is the friend of a natural HealthiTan! Moisturizing when you have been in water also inbetween is also a good idea.
3) You must apply sunscreen as no spray tan provides protection to the sun!
4) Do not use products on the skin after the spray tan that contain: MINERAL OIL OR ALCOHOL. These substances tend to fade the tan very quickly. The use of our Shea Butter lotion or Bali Butter provides the moisture a beautiful HealthiTan needs!
What to Wear
- For women clothing is optional, but do remember where ever you leave clothing there will be distinct tan lines. Think about what you will be wearing after your tan.
- Bring a dark swimsuit or undergarments to your session. Thongs are acceptable.
- Bring flip flops/sandals to your session.
- Wear dark, loose fitting clothing for after the tan if possible. The cosmetic bronzer may rub off on your clothes. Our solution is water soluable so don’t worry it washes out of most clothing!
- Women, AVOID wearing tight bras several hours after your spray tan.
Tanning Fact Sheet
- The spray tan is applied by a certified professional in just minutes!
- You can pick your own shade from a glow to off the beach bronze.
- The Spray tan will last seven to ten days or longer with Tahitian Tan MIST, Tan Extender and Moorea Moisturizer.
- Your skin dries quickly, does not feel sticky and has no bad odor. Your skin smells fresh and clean.
- The Tan will fade similar to that of a natural sun tan when given proper after care.
- It does NOT streak. Your tan will be prefectly even, just like you spent the day in the sun.
- The primary active ingredient in our solution and in most self tanners is DHA (dihydroxyacetone), produced from pure sugar cane and is FDA approved for self tanning applications.
- DHA works with the amino acids in your skin to produce a natural looking tan with NO orange discoloration.
- There have not been any reported side effects from the use of DHA.
- If you have ever had an allergic reaction to self tanners, we recommend that you abstain from spray tanning.
HealthiTan Policies*
- If you are pregnant or lactating please provide written permission by your physician.
- If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent present.
- Women-clothing is optional. Where you wear clothing is where you will have distinct tan lines.
- Men-bottoms of some sort are required. Thongs are acceptable.
Any and all packages and specials with multiple tans must be used by same person.