HealthiTan, LLC is very proud to announce our new location located inside the SNAP Fitness at 14162 West 119th Street in Olathe, KS [Avignon Shopping Center]! This is a very exciting time for HealthiTan and for our customers! Not only will this location allow us to grow more but it will be even more conveniently located for our customers! HealthiTan aims to use products that promote skin safety and awareness in our community.

Our partnership is much appreciated with the owner of SNAP Fitness, Dr. Chris Weir. Dr. Weir has his Doctoral of Chiropractic / Masters Degree in Sports Rehab and has a passion for helping people live a healthy life! There are many consistent synergies that makes this a “win win” for each business. Snap Fitness is a fast, convenient and affordable fitness workout environment geared towards meeting their members needs.

Upcoming Features

Throughout the upcoming weeks, we will be providing our current and future customers many opportunities to come share this exciting time with us! One of the biggest  changes we will be implementing is the ability to purchase your spray tanning package online ahead of time! Stay tuned!

Online Booking Engine

Our booking agent Vagaro has introduced their new Android and iPhone application where you can simply download and schedule right from your phone!

Get the app:

Android Version
iPhone Version